Friday 22 March 2019

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

December 2018 marked (= ha segnato) the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
The human rights movement has made great strides (= passi avanti) thanks to the ideas and the commitment of many inspirational activists, such as Gandhi in India, Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King in the USA and Nelson Mandela in South Africa.

Listen to the recording: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and answer the questions in your exercise book. 

 Watch the video about Article #1:

We always take for granted (= diamo per scontato) the Right to Education (= istruzione) but in many countries going to school is a privilege for the few (= un privilegio per pochi). 
After her terrible attack Malala decided to fight for the right to education of children all over the world.

Some people may try to ignore your rights or violate them or pretend (= fingere) they don't exist.
But they are yours. Article #30 states (= afferma) that "No one can take away (= portare via) your human rights"

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