What is #FridaysForFuture?
#FridaysforFuture is a people's movement following the call (= appello) from Greta Thunberg to school strike (= fare uno sciopero della scuola).
Meet Greta: a young climate activist who has inspired a global movement. In spite of her disability she has had the courage to accuse political leaders of not being "mature enough" and of being irresponsible.
Who is Greta Thunberg?
Visit this website , draw a timeline and sum up (= riassumi) six important events in Greta's life
๐March 2019
Download Greta's timeline
๐บ Watch the video of Greta's speech and do the activities
"Our house is on fire" (2018) Greta Thunberg, Svante Thunberg, Beata Ernman, Malena Ernman - Mondadori
p. 5
When I was about 8 years old I first heard about something called climate change or global warming. Apparently that was something humans had created by our way of living. I was told to turn off the lights to save energy and to recycle paper to save resources.
I remember thinking that it was very strange that humans who are an animal species among others could be capable of changing the Earth's climate. Because if we were and if it was really happening we wouldn't be talking about anything else. As soon as you turn on the TV everything would be about that. Headlines, radio, newspapers, you would never read or hear about anything else. As if there was a world war going on.
But no one ever talked about it.
I remember thinking that it was very strange that humans who are an animal species among others could be capable of changing the Earth's climate. Because if we were and if it was really happening we wouldn't be talking about anything else. As soon as you turn on the TV everything would be about that. Headlines, radio, newspapers, you would never read or hear about anything else. As if there was a world war going on.
But no one ever talked about it.
p. 6
So when I was 11 I became ill. I fell into depression. I stopped talking and I stopped eating. In two months I lost about 10 kilos of weight. Later on I was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and selective mutism. That basically means I only speak when I think it is necessary. Now is one of those moments.
For those of us who are on the spectrum, almost everything is black or white. We aren't very good at lying and we usually don't enjoy participating in the social game that the rest of you seem so fond of. I think in many ways that we autistic are the normal ones and the rest of the people are pretty strange.
For those of us who are on the spectrum, almost everything is black or white. We aren't very good at lying and we usually don't enjoy participating in the social game that the rest of you seem so fond of. I think in many ways that we autistic are the normal ones and the rest of the people are pretty strange.
p. 15
๐ฏYou've joined (= aderito a) the movement #FridaysForFuture: create a poster with a slogan. You can draw pictures or find photos online. Be creative!
Climate Activist: Niccolรฒ
Climate Activist: Tommaso
Activist: Leonardo
Climate campaigner: Fabio
Guardian of the planet: Sara
Climate campaigner: Melania
Eco-activist: Gaia
Climate activist: Patrick
Guardian of the planet: Chiara
Climate activist: Bryan
Climate campaigner: Marco P.
Eco-activist: Luca
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